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T-SQL Script Generator BETA

Author: Chad Nash/Tuesday, November 20, 2012/Categories: In The Flow

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Hello Everyone,

I have just opened our SQL Scripting website to the public. Over the past month I have been piecing this website together. I am now confident and feel that we’re in a good place for user trialing.

Website Purpose:

The purpose of this website is to provide SQL Scripting tools to users with registered accounts. Currently there is a T-SQL Table Generator tool and a T-SQL Stored Procedure Generator tool.  With these tools a user will

  1. Interact by inputting information into the Generators.
  2. Retrieve an output of T-SQL based on your inputted information.
  3. All Generated Scripts are saved under “My Account”. 

***The overall goal is to assist users that may not understand the syntax and semantics of SQL.

Try the T-SQL Generating Tools:

Please login to http://scripts.datasprings.com using either of the two available accounts:
User #1
Username: TestAccount1
Password: 1234567
User #2
Username: TestAccount2
Password: 1234567

This is a BETA site that we'd like to dedicate more development to. Data Springs would like your opinion, can you see these tools being of assistance to you?

Future Improvements Include:

  • MySQL Mode for Creating Tables and Stored Procedures
  • PostgreSQL Mode for Creating Tables and Stored Procedures
  • Oracle Mode for Creating Tables and Stored Procedures
  • New tool for SQL Triggers, SQL Constraints, SQL Indexes, and SQL Functions.


Contribute to Data Springs by:

Providing feedback based on your experience with http://scripts.datasprings.com. You can provide feedback by leaving a comment to this blog post or by emailing us at dnnsupport@datasprings.com

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