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Dynamic Forms–Hide/Show rows without a postback

Wouldn’t you prefer to hide or show fields on your Dynamic Form instances without using Question Events? Postbacks can become time consuming if you have a large form. This example is just me sharing a technique that I use within Dynamic Forms to avoid Question Event Postbacks.

This example uses JavaScript to achieve the conditional hide or show Dynamic Form field.

Here’s my form:



Preparing the JavaScript

I want to hide the two Multi-lined text boxes until a selection is made from the Radio buttons. So I want to initially hide the two Multi-lined text boxes on page load. To do so I can use JavaScript under the Module Configuration –> Advanced Coding Options (AJAX, jQuery, JavaScript, Initial SQL DataBind) –> Custom JavaScript File –> Initial JavaScript. However what do I put there????

We will need to find the Dynamic Forms rowID’s for the Label and Question that we wish to hide. You can look into the Source code to obtain, or like myself, use the FireFox plugin(FireBug).

In this example, my RowID’s are:

  • dnn_ctr2537_DynamicForms_Row_95e63704-01d5-4b49-8fd5-169404b9dcb0
  • dnn_ctr2537_DynamicForms_Row_5b493000-04e2-4ed5-b141-1f6631af5857


So I need to prepare some JavaScript to place into the Initial JavaScript section that I mentioned above:


var err;

try{ document.getElementById('dnn_ctr2537_DynamicForms_Row_95e63704-01d5-4b49-8fd5-169404b9dcb0').style.display= 'none'; } catch(err){}

try{ document.getElementById('dnn_ctr2537_DynamicForms_Row_5b493000-04e2-4ed5-b141-1f6631af5857').style.display= 'none'; } catch(err){}


Now upon page load my two Multi-lined text boxes will be hidden.


I must prepare the JavaScript to conditionally show / hide the correct Multi-lined text box based on the Radio Button selection.


Preparing the Hide/Show JavaScript

The JavaScript below contains the logic to hide/show the appropriate Multi-lined text box. 


if(funcRadioCalc($(DForDR_FieldID)) == 'DynamicForms'){document.getElementById('dnn_ctr2537_DynamicForms_Row_95e63704-01d5-4b49-8fd5-169404b9dcb0').style.display= '';document.getElementById('dnn_ctr2537_DynamicForms_Row_5b493000-04e2-4ed5-b141-1f6631af5857').style.display= 'none';}else if(funcRadioCalc($(DForDR_FieldID)) == 'DynamicRegistration'){document.getElementById('dnn_ctr2537_DynamicForms_Row_95e63704-01d5-4b49-8fd5-169404b9dcb0').style.display= 'none';document.getElementById('dnn_ctr2537_DynamicForms_Row_5b493000-04e2-4ed5-b141-1f6631af5857').style.display= '';}else{document.getElementById('dnn_ctr2537_DynamicForms_Row_95e63704-01d5-4b49-8fd5-169404b9dcb0').style.display= 'none';document.getElementById('dnn_ctr2537_DynamicForms_Row_5b493000-04e2-4ed5-b141-1f6631af5857').style.display= 'none';}


Below is an image of the configuration settings for the Radio Button control:



Now you have achieved hiding/showing specific Dynamic Form questions  conditionally without a postback occurring.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012/Author: Chad Nash/Number of views (804289)/Comments (-)/ Article rating: 3.0
Categories: In The Flow

Dynamic Forms Custom Submit Button with Tabs

Have you ever wanted to use the Tabs feature within a Dynamic Forms 4.0 + instance? If so, many people want the submit button to be available only on the last tab. However the default Dynamic Forms submit button is available to all tabs.

This example will provide a solution to this:


This is my form, there are 3 tabs.

1.) Personal Info



2.) Address Info


3.) Contact Info



For the last tab “Contact Info”, make sure that you include a Text/HTML question with HTML to render a button.

To make this Custom Text/HTML button submit the Dynamic Form, you will need to copy the jQuery call that’s embedded inside of the “Original Submit Link” onClick event. I use the FireFox plugin (FireBug) to inspect controls, CSS, JavaScript, etc.. on a page.


In the case of my form, my jQuery call to submit the Dynamic Form is:


You will need to paste this code into the OnClick event of your Text/HTML custom Submit button like so:




Now all that you’ll need to do is go to Module Configuration –>  Links (Submit, Save for Later, Clear) –> and Initially hide the submit link:



Now you have finished creating your custom HTML button.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012/Author: Chad Nash/Number of views (186810)/Comments (-)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: In The Flow

Sell Modules and Skins? Setting up DotNetNuke Store w/ Google Analytics and Ecommerce Tracking

Hi everyone! Last week I spoke as a panelist for DotNetNuke store and vendors webinar which DNN Corp put together… Within the webinar I presented some new features and enhancements that DotNetNuke recently added to the DNN Store related to Google Analytics and ECommerce Tracking. Analytics with Ecommerce allows vendors to properly setup and measure their marketing dollars to find out where sales and transactions came from, and which marketing dollars led to those efforts. You can find out more about Ecommerce tracking here: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/gaTrackingEcommerce

I approached the DNN Store a few months ago regarding how the store could begin to take advantage (and vendors could then take advantage) of new Google Analytics w/ Ecommerce tracking features. DotNetNuke worked to create a pilot program for us to assist with the implementation/testing so that they can offer the enhancements to all vendors. BIG THANKS to DNN Corp for adding these enhancements!

Previously, Snowcovered did allow for Google Analytics integration, however this had to be a separate integration code that was specific to the www.snowcovered.com domain. When it comes to properly setting up analytics (and then enabling the ecommerce feature), there are several steps involved to make sure that the domain name can be properly tracked without losing the analytics information throughout the process. 


So… How can you take advantage of these new enhancements?

Step 1:  Make sure you have an Analytics account and you have already enabled/implemented your Analytics Code on your website. https://www.google.com/analytics

Step 2: Enable Ecommerce within your Google Analytics account. You can do this be signing into your account and navigating into “Admin”, then “Property Settings”, and finally choosing to enable the Ecommerce Option.

Step 3: Enable Ecommerce and your tracking code within the DNN Store.There are two new fields in the vendor profile area. The GA SetDomianName is set to “none” by default for all vendors, this is the setting needed for the cross site tracking. The Enable GA Ecommerce is disabled by default, if a vendor would like to track the ecommerce data they will need to check this.



Step 4: Modify your JavaScript for using Google Analytics to include a few additional settings for setting the domain name, allowing the “Link Tracking”, and tracking the page view.  Specifically you need to enable the options for setDomainName, setAllowLinker, and trackPageView


Step 5:  Accurately utilize tracking… you will need to setup all hyperlinks that are pointing to the store to use the Google Analytics Link Tracking Onclick event. You can find more information here:

Here is an example.. Notice how the HREF still stays the same as it used to, however now there is also an “onclick” javascript reference within the hyperlink tag.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012/Author: Chad Nash/Number of views (193032)/Comments (-)/ Article rating: No rating

Categories: In The Flow

Integrating Google Analytics with Data Springs Products

Do you want to, or are you already using Google Analytics with your DotNetNuke site?
Data Springs can assist by integrating our products with your Google Analytics via our newly formed “Premium Integration Services”.


Data Springs overtime has developed techniques that can help simplify the interaction layer between Google Analytics using our products. Below are a couple out of dozens of ways that Data Springs can help you with integrating our products with Google Analytics.

  • We can assist by creating a web interface to allow you to add Ecommerce Transactions & Items to Google Analytics.
  • We can assist by creating a web interface to allow you to delete Ecommerce Transaction & Items from Google Analytics.


Please contact us at dnnsupport@datasprings.com if you have any questions or would like to request additional information.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012/Author: Chad Nash/Number of views (177735)/Comments (-)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: In The Flow

Using Authorize.net Automated Recurring Billing (ARB) with DataSprings Dynamic Registration Module.

DataSprings Dynamic Registration Module (DR) provides an easy way to implement ARB into your portal by just dropping a few specifically named textbox fields (most of the hidden) on your registration page. This document and video will cover implementing a very basic registration page using the minimum required fields that authorize.net requires to set up an account.

I recommend getting a page with the minimum requirements working first before adding extra fields like billing startdate (trial), email, etc.

Other Notes before we begin:

1. I am assuming you already have a live authorize.net account with ARB capabilities. If you do not have ARB, you have to add that service to your account. At this time its $10 a month. I am not certain that ARB works with a developer account. I also did not try this in test mode. To test I set the amount to $1 and just cancelled the subscriptions as I tested.

2. DataSprings Registration 4.2 was used in this demo (currently in Beta with a scheduled release date of May 24th 2012).

3. It’s super helpful to make sure you have debug info being logged to the event log during development. This will help you find errors.

Here is the link to the video tutorial - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvCuymywG-M

Set Up

If you are familiar with how to set up other gateways with DR, forget everything you know J. This one is set up totally different. Rather than building a big string of values to submit under Module configuration, you are populating and/or giving very specific names to fields on your form.

To get a form with the most basic ARB set up create a form with the following fields. To get a working version first I recommend making all of these text fields, then once its working change the appropriate fields to hidden. I marked them with an underline.

Your basic registration fields (username,email, password,confirm password)


Authorized.NET ARB Required fields. This fields MUST have their short names exactly as below;

1. PGateway – default this to AuthARB. This tells DR to use the arb gateway.

2. AuthARB_UserLoginNamedefault this to your login name from authorize.net.

3. AuthARB_TransactionKeydefault this to your transaction key generated fron authorize.net

4. AuthARB_BillToFirstName – assign this short name to your first name field on your form

5. AuthARB_BillToLastName - assign this short name to your Last name field on your form

6. AuthARB_SubscriptionAmountdefault this to the amount of your subscription. If you have different values that can be assigned here, you can use the DR tutorials to learn how to assign different values to a field using javascript.

7. AuthARB_CardNumber – assign this short name to your credit card field

8. AuthARB_CardExpireDateassign this shortname to your expire field. If you have a dropdown box for month and another one for year. You can use javascript to combine these values as text in this field. It likes it like mmyyyy.

9. AuthARB_SubscriptionID– (optional for Creating a subscription / Required for Cancel or Update of a subscription). When creating a subscription, this field will be stored within Dynamic Registration with the subscription ID when the subscription through ARB is created.  If you are referencing a subscription type of “Cancel” or “Update” then this field should reference the existing subscription ID.

Optional Properties

1. AuthARB_SubscriptionOccurrences

Tuesday, April 17, 2012/Author: Chad Nash/Number of views (196417)/Comments (-)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: In The Flow

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